Friday, 19 January 2018

18 January 2018 – Lliber to Senija Reverse

Eighteen of us on today’s walk, which is about as many as we would want on our walks.   Too large a group is when cliques and groups start to form
We now have 30 regular walkers in the group, but fortunately only half are resident here.  The average is about 16 on each walk, which is just right.   To protect the group we have stopped accepting any new members for the present.
We will however start a new group to meet each Monday, and suggest any new members join that group.
David led today’s walk, which is fast becoming a favourite.   It was nice to have an easy walk after last week’s challenge.
Note how all the ladies are paying particular attention to this slim young man on his mountain bike, whilst the men try to ignore him!

Good to welcome Nick and Janet back after a couple of weeks illness
It was also good to see David and Sabine who joined us after a long working Christmas and New Year.

We arrived at The Cross just after 12 noon, too late for our banana stop and too early for our picnic lunch
However it is the best spot to have a break, so we had an early lunch
You can see that Jan and Sue are plotting something
It was a protest that I am taking too many photos
I suspect that it was inspired by artistic jealousy on David’s part
We were supposed to have another stop as we left the woods
But David forgot all about it and carried on
We finally had a belated Banana Break at the river, which was a  much better place to have it
It was then a pleasant stroll back to Lliber
As we approached the village the group split, half to the cars to change their boots, the other in a race to be first at the bar
Where we all had a well deserved glass of what we fancied
With some having a larger glass than others
Another very enjoyable walk on a sunny day with pleasant company
Distance 13.5 km
Time 4 hours 45 mins
Total Ascent 390 metres

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