Tuesday, 23 January 2018

22 January 2018 – Tarbena Font d’Olbis

Five of us did a recce to record the route and confirm that it would be suitable for our Thursday Explorers group.
David, Jan and I had done this walk three or four times, but had never led it.
I had previously taken photographs of the walk and had made a written record of the route
Nick and Janet had downloaded a map of the area and plotted a route from my written description
So we were reasonably confident that between us we could find our way around the route.
It is about two years since we last did this walk, which is a long time to rely on memory
But both David and I were sure that we would remember it as we walked it
We were pretty sure that we could find our way to the Banana stop, and then onward from the lunch stop
But we were both hazy about the middle section, which includes a broken area I always think of as The Gorge.
I recorded the walk on my satnav, in particular the points I had noted on my written description.
This meant that we would have a waymark where we would previously have put a cairn.
So it was quite a relief when we reached the finca where we would have lunch
It has all gone much better than I expected so far, and now we could relax a little
It is an easy downhill walk to the picnic area on the Castells road
The views from here are really spectacular
And the facilities were much improved, including a keep fit circuit
The rest of the route to Tarbena is on good tracks
We could enjoy the views without having to watch where we put our feet
It was also nice to see that the Almond blossoms were making an appearance
Excellent recce, and a very enjoyable walk.   Only slightly marred by no bars open in the village when we got there
Distance - 13 km
Time - 5.5 hours
Total Ascent - 565 metres

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