Saturday, 10 February 2018

8 February 2018 – Almond Blossom

Nineteen of us for this year’s Almond Blossom walk
Once more we did a figure of eight walk Parcent-Murla-Parcent-Alcalali
After a couple of grey Thursday’s we were fortunate to have bright sunshine and blue skies today, which showed the almond blossom at its best
We had done three recce to choose the best route and the best photo opportunities
Our first stop was in a field of almond trees with a fine view of Murla
So we had excellent views to go with our banana stop
This area is not so popular for almond walks, though we feel it is just as attractive as the Jalon valley
We had a short stop as we completed the first half of the figure eight

Which gave us an opportunity to admire the view of Parcent through the almond blossom.
The next part of the walk was through fields of orange and almond trees, with good views of Alcalali
Our next stop was at the mirador outside the village
Where we had our picnic lunch
Again with impressive views, this time back to Parcent 
The river was deeper and faster than when we did our last recce, but everyone crossed safely
Then we had a detour off the main valley roads
We brought apple chunks for this horse we found on our recce, but he was tied to the tree today and we had to throw them to him
This detour was very popular as it covered part of the valley most had not seen before
We also found this family of goats on our recce and today we took time to take a few photos
There was a nice relaxed and friendly feel to today’s walk
A visit to the Pensionista in Parcent was a fitting conclusion to an excellent walk
Nick and Janet are on a cruise, so we did not have our most reliable provider of walk stats.   Three of us recorded the walk, but all came to different findings.   The average was just over 14 km with about 200 metres of ascent and the walk took just over 5 hours.

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