Tuesday, 13 February 2018

12 February 2018 – Tormos to Fontilles

Despite a forecast of heavy rain we all met at Benimeli as planned.   But all agreed to abandon the aerials walk in favour of a valley walk from Tormos.
It was overcast but dry as we set off for Isbert Dam
On the way we met this beauty in the middle of the road.  However he was more frightened of us than we were of him.
Still dry when we reached the river, though the boulders were wet and the going slippery.
Jan and David opted for their banana break rather than visit the dam again
Everyone except Anita had visited the dam before, but we went anyway
And of course we took the standard photo of the dam
We now had an option to return to Tormos or extend the walk by climbing up to Fontilles
We opted for Fontilles, even though it had started to rain
We had our picnic lunch on the balcony at the back of the information centre
Even on a wet and grey day Fontilles is still pretty impressive looking
The rain increased as we made our way back to Tormos and we arrived looking like the proverbial “drowned rats”
Ann and Anita walked with the group for the first time, and did not complain despite the far from ideal walking conditions.

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